Thursday, 21 November 2013

Watch Dogs Synopsis

Set in Chicago, where a central network of computers connects everyone and everything, Watch_Dogs explores the impact of technology within our society. Using the city as your weapon, you will embark on a personal mission to inflict your own brand of justice.
Chicago's overarching network is known as the Central Operating System (ctOS), and it controls almost all of the city's technology and information - including key data on all of the city's residents.
You play as Aiden Pearce, a brilliant hacker and former thug, whose criminal past led to a violent family tragedy. While seeking justice for those events, you'll monitor and hack those around you by manipulating the ctOS from the palm of your hand. You'll access omnipresent security cameras, download personal information to locate a target, control traffic lights and public transportation to stop the enemy... and more.

Aiden Pearce

You are Aiden Pearce, a man shaped by violence and obsessed with surveillance, who monitors his family 24/7 in secret to protect them from something that happened in the past. Unfortunately, his family will get endangered once again.
Pushed to his limits, he will take justice into his own hands and confront a corrupt system using every weapon available to him. Aiden will become a modern Vigilante Hero – not a hero from the 70's with a cape, but a real human being that will deal with all the repercussions of his actions
The ctOS is an efficient system linking all the city's infrastructure and public security installations to one centralized hub. This system focuses on traffic efficiency, eco-development, tele-communications, and crime control throughout Chicago. It has brought notable benefits to citizens, including shorter commutes, lowered crime rates, a cleaner city, and much more.


Watch_Dogs takes place in a contemporary Chicago that's been enhanced and transformed by the ctOS. In this version of Chicago, everything is connected. Banks, security systems, communication hubs, and even the city's basic infrastructure operate via the this connected network. The ctOS provides a new take on one of the world's great cities, and it's this omniscient setting that serves as the backdrop for Aiden's story.

FFXV : Release Date News

'Final Fantasy 15' Release Date PS4 Not Until After March 2014; Game's Story 'Completely Different' from 'Final Fantasy 13'

"Final Fantasy 15" Playstation 4 release date is still not confirmed by Square Enix even though it has showcased in a couple of expos. Recent reports have confirmed that the long awaited video game will not be released early next year.

The Square Enix game has been showcased at the PS 4 All Access in a short film, along with Kingdom Hearts 3. However, with not that much excitement; the video did not show any new footage of the game.  The same video clip was previously shown at the Electronic Entertainment Expo earlier this year. The director, Tetsuya Nomura did say that the Expo trailer may have been "too early," compared to its actual release date.
More news on the "Final Fantasy 15"' release date was discovered on the LinkedIn page of one of the video game's voice over actor Jay Preston. Playstation Universe reports that Preston has "Finall Fantasy XV" listed in the "clients" section on his personal website.
As whether the highly anticipated video game for PS 4 will be similar to its precursor, "Finally Fantasy 3," is still up in the air, but the director Motomu Toriyama, confirmed that there will be some aspects that will be "completely different."
"You must remember, it was a long time ago that we named those three games: XIII, as well as Versus and Agito which we now call Type-0. Obviously those three projects were going to be developed against the backdrop of this Crystal trilogy, or Fabula Nova Crystallis. But each project has a different set of characters and they're set in different universes and worlds," said Toriyama in an interview with IGN.
"When Etro is mentioned in the context of XIII and XV, we're referring to the same goddess of Death. It's the same goddess, but how she's featured, how she appears and how she's involved with the story is completely different. They're different stories and different projects. So while it's the same character, her involvement is very different."

PS4 Launch Games: The Complete List

PS4 Launch Games: The Complete List

PS4 is here. The next generation of consoles is now the current generation, and the world is ready to ignite in a flurry of mind-bending puzzles, hard-fought wars, white-knuckle races, and heart-aching quests.
Those of you in the PlayStation community that are joining me on day one of the PS4′s life have a lot to look forward to. And with new consoles humming away in anticipation, I gathered a complete list of the launch lineup available to PS4 gamers today.
There’s a little something for everyone in the PS4 launch lineup, which is one of the most tremendous launches in PlayStation history. Head below for a complete list, and enjoy your new console. Let me know in the comments which game is earning the coveted “First Game Played Award” on your PS4.
Angry Birds: Star Wars
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
Battlefield 4
Blacklight Retribution
Call of Duty: Ghosts
DC Universe Online
Fifa 14
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
Just Dance 2014
Killzone Shadow Fall
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Madden NFL 25
NBA 2K14
Need for Speed Rivals
Skylanders SWAP Force
Sound Shapes
Super Motherload
Trine 2: Complete Story

Complete PS4 Launch Lineup

Digital, Retail
The war between bird and pig rages into the depths of space. Take the classic Angry Birds fun and mix it with the iconic universe of Star Wars for a special, intergalactic treat.
Digital, Retail
Sail the Caribbean and make your fortune in the next iteration of the renowned Assassin’s Creed series. Command your own pirate ship, uncover hidden treasure, and train in the devilish art of plunder.
Digital, Retail
The Battlefield series continues with an explosive single-player campaign and huge multiplayer action. Entire buildings will collapse, and memories will be made.
Digital (Free to Play)
Don your Hardsuit and customize your weapons in this free-to-play shooter that’s brimming with bullets.
Digital, Retail
Experience the next generation of Call of Duty in a heart-pounding campaign, and high-stakes multiplayer competition. Stay sharp to stay alive.
A visually enticing puzzle game with a charming pair of heroes. Move in and out of your own shadow to clear obstacles and uncover the story behind this colorful world.
Digital (Free to Play)
The beloved MMO arrives on PS4 with overhauled visuals. Dive into the wide world of DC heroes and villains to make your mark in the war of good and evil.
Digital, Retail
The long-running soccer series returns with enhanced player and ball physics, and the return of a refined Ultimate Team that can add months of play to the experience.
The beautiful, surreal story comes to PS4 with stunning visual enhancements and improved motion controls. Explore the space that exists somewhere in a flower’s dream.
Digital, Retail
This superpowered fighting game includes the DLC fighters, 60 new missions, and silky-smooth combat. Control your favorite DC heroes and villains in brutal battles.
Digital, Retail
The popular party game burns up the dancefloor again with more than 40 new tracks to jam to. Features several new modes, new moves, and new ways to sweat.
Digital, Retail
Tension brews in the wake of an unsteady peace. Engulf yourself in the next story set within the Killzone universe, and witness the power of the PS4 hardware in this eye-searing FPS. Build custom warzones and compete for supremacy.
Digital, Retail
Take control of a next-gen protagonist, and jump into a colorful platformer filled with action and adventure. Run, dodge, and fight your way through enemies as a little hero with huge potential.
Digital, Retail
Roam the streets of LEGO Manhattan as more than 100 characters from the Marvel universe. Tackle 45 missions, battle enemies, and earn rewards for your superpowered exploits.
Digital, Retail
The next generation of Madden takes to the field. Prepare for more detail, new True Step player control, a Player Sense emotion system, and refined offensive and defensive line play.
Digital, Retail
Hit the court with one of the most authentic, detailed experiences in basketball. Superb physics and rich modes aim to satisfy any fan of the sport.
Digital, Retail
Race through the streets of Redview County in high-speed chases as either a cop or racer. The AllDrive system blends single-player and multiplayer events into one seamless experience, and always keeps your blood pumping.
Embrace the glory of old-school gaming with this frantic shooter from the makers of Super Stardust HD. Blast away enemies, save the last humans, and revel in the magnificence of voxels!
Skylanders SWAP Force
Meet 16 new, swappable Skylanders, and play with 256 ability combinations in this big new adventure .
The musical platformer arrives on PS4 with new touch pad controls. Play, listen, and create your own levels to share with the rest of the PlayStation community.
Something is amiss on the planet Mars. Dig down through minerals and deep secrets in an effort to uncover the truth. Play alone, or bring friends along for the ride in the gorgeous successor to Motherload.
Return to the stunning world of Trine 2 with new abilities and upgraded visuals. Supports stereoscopic 3D and runs at a buttery 60 frames per second at 1080p.
Digital (Free to Play)
Behold the power of space ninjas. Suit up and unlock the power of the Warframe system in this adrenaline-pumping, free-to-play action game.


Injustice Game
Superheroes and supervillains hit each other with super powers face the earth. Injustice is one of the most simple fighting game in recent years, is set to attract a subtly frightening fighter fans and diehard comic readers. Watch the crazy people who draw Batman with grappling hook, or summon the power of lightning as Black Adam, or punch someone through the entire planet twice Doomsday really make the heart pounding.

Injustice also like the concept further in the latest Mortal Kombat: fighting game can have a single-player story is good - one that does not rely on heavy text ditalar. Superman loses cool story, became a full dictatorship stress, and every hero and villain given a chance to shine during the campaign. Injustice is a fighting game that should be appreciated in the DC Fans.

In Video Trailler's Injustice:

Cara Membuat Video Menjadi Wallpaper Di Windows 7

Cara Membuat Video Menjadi Wallpaper Di Windows 7

Gak pake basa-basi, lgsg sikat.
Ada Problem ? Comment dibawah aja gan :)
1. Instalah software Windows7-DreamScene
Gambar instal Windows7-DreamScene
Kemudian akan muncul gambar seperti di bawah ini, dan klik satu kali padaAministrator Windows7-DreamScene masukan huruf atau angka terserah bebas.dan proses instal segera berjalan.
Setelah selesai kemudian akan muncul gambar seperti di bawah ini, dan explorer akan restart secara otomatis kemudian langsung close saja halaman tersebut.
Setelah itu copy Video format mpg atau wma dan paste diC./windows/web/Windows DreamScene.
Gambar Paste nya di bawah ini.
Kemudian klik kanan pada video yang akan di jadikan Background dan pilih Add To Windows Player List.
Dan langkah terakhir adalah klik kanan pada video pilih Set as Desktop Background.
Dan selsailah sudah prosesnya dan Desktop akan memiliki background Video. perlu di ketahui background tidak akan mengeluarkan suara jadi tidak akan mengganggu apa bila kita sedang play musik, demikan sedikit tips dari saya semoga bermanfaat dan bila ingin mencoba semoga berhasil.
Untuk software Windows7-DreamScene Bisa di download di sini.

Martabak Manis / Terang Bulan

Resep Martabak Manis / Terang Bulan

Terang benderang dah bulannya kalo makan ini anget" + teh manis anget juga #Uwoow
Okeh" langsung aja yaa :P

Bahan Utama :

  • 80 gr gula pasir
  • 400 gr terigu
  • 4 gr garam halus
  • 5 gr ragi instan
  • 450 ml air
  • 2 butir telur
  • 2 gr soda kue
  • vanili secukupnya saja
Bahan untuk membuat topping kue terang bulan mini :
  • 100 gr margarin
  • susu kental manis
  • Coklat meses
  • Keju parut
  • Kacang tanah, goreng, tumbuk kasar
  • Pisang kapok atau sesuai selera
Cara membuat kue terang bulan mini:
  1. Campurkan terigu dan telur ke dalam wadah adonan
  2. Buatlah adonan biang dengan mencampurkan ragi instan dan air kemudian diamkan beberapa saat sampai ragi bekerja (± 3 Jam)
  3. Kemudian Masukkan campuran biang yang tadi kita buat ke dalam campuran terigu. Aduk secara pelan hingga adonan merata
  4. Masukkan dan campurkan gula, soda kue, garam juga vanili. Aduk hingga merata kemudian diamkan selama 30 menit hingga adonan mulai mengeluarkan buih
  5. Sekarang kita Siapkan cetakan kue terang bulannya, panaskan dan kemudian olesi permukaan cetakan dengan sedikit margarin/minyak goreng
  6. Tuangkan adonan yang kita buat ke dalam cetakan. Ingat tidak boleh terlalu penuh, cukup 1 cm saja dari dasar cetakan.
  7. Jangan lupa tutup cetakan kemudian tunggu hingga  permukaan kue terang bulan berpori
  8. Oles permukaan kue terang bulan dengan sedikit margarin lalu tambahkan topping diatas kue sesuai selera anda kemudian tutup kembali cetakan. Tunggu hingga terang bulan matang
  9. Jika kulit di bagian samping sudah mulai kering itu artinya terang bulan mini telah matang dan siap dikeluarkan dari cetakan.
  10. Hidangkan bersama teman atau keluarga.
Selamat Mencoba masbro/mbakbro sekalian :)
Bagi testimoni nya yaa sama pengalaman kalian saat memasak dikolom comment :)
God Bless.

Mashimum Potato !!

Mash Potato By pLuzKs96 

- 1Kg kentang ukuran sedang, kupas, cuci bersih, potong-potong dadu besar.
- 200-250ml susu cair (yang paling pas buat gw sih ultra yang biasa / non-fat)
- 2-3 Sendok margarin blue-band (yang gampang aja :D)
- garam dan merica sesuai selera

Cara Bikin:
  1. Untuk kentang, kita rebus dulu sampe empuk. Masukkan kentang ke dalam panci, isi air sampai kentang terendam semuanya. Nyalakan api besar, rebus sampai kentang empuk. Tiriskan.
  2. Gunakan panci yang sama dengan yang dipake untuk merebus kentang (airnya harus diganti sob..) Masukkan susu dan margarin, panaskan dengan api sedang hanya sampai susu hangat dan margarin cair. Inget ya, jangan sampai mendidih. Kalau udah hangat, matikan api.
  3. Masukkan kentang, haluskan pake sendok kayu atau ulekan juga bisa. Bumbui dengan garam dan merica sesuai selera.

Tinggal di icip" dah masbro/mbakbro sekalian :D

Mash potato ini paling enak dimakan pake steak bro, tapi bisa buat yang lain" juga.
istilahnya kalo buat gw = side dish wkakakaka :D
Put down all your creativity into cooking :D
Better try than never :)

Magi S1 Sub Indo Complete

Magi: The Labyrinth Of Magic Episode 1-25 Completed [Subtitle Indonesia]

Type: Tv
Status: Finished Airing
Episode: 25
Genres: Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Shounen
Score: 8.13 (
Credit: AWsubs
Aladin adalah seorang bocah lelaki yang memutuskan untung mengelilingi dunia bersama teman baik’nya seorang Jin yang bernama Ugo.tidak lama setelah itu aladin mengetahui bahwa dia adalah seorang Magi, seorang penyihir yang lahir untuk memilih raja selanjut’nya untuk mengikuti jalan yang benar, dan bertarung melawan mereka yang ingin menghancurkan takdir itu.
Download Magi: The Labyrinth Of Magic Episode 1-25 Completed [Subtitle Indonesia
Episode 1 :480p|720p
Episode 2 :480p|720p
Episode 3 :480p|720p
Episode 4 :480p|720p
Episode 5 :480p|720p
Episode 6 :480p|720p
Episode 7 :480p|720p
Episode 8 :480p|720p
Episode 9 :480p|720p
Episode 10:480p|720p
Episode 11:480p|720p
Episode 12:480p|720p
Episode 13:480p|720p
Episode 14:480p|720p
Episode 15:480p|720p
Episode 16:480p|720p
Episode 17:480p|720p
Episode 18:480p|720p
Episode 19:480p|720p
Episode 20:480p|720p
Episode 21:480p|720p
Episode 22:480p|720p
Episode 23:480p|720p
Episode 24:480p|720p
Episode 25:480p|720p [Final]

FO S1 & S2 All Episode Complete

Family Outing Season 1 [English Sub]

Click the Episode for episodes link to download :)

Episode 1 & 2 :     Shinhwa Kim Dong Wan
Episode 3 & 4 :     Fly To Sky Brian
Episode 5 & 6 :     Park Hae Jin
Episode 7 & 8 :     Big Bang G-Dragon & Shin Sung Rok
Episode 9 & 10 :   Shinhwa Junjin

Episode 11 & 12 : Lee Jin Wook
Episode 13 & 14 : SNSD Taeyeon & F.T Island Lee Hong Ki
Episode 15 & 16 : Shinhwa Shin Hye Sung
Episode 17 & 18 : DBSK U-Know Yunho & Xiah Junsu
Episode 19 & 20 : New Member to FO: Kim Jong Kook

Episode 21 & 22 : Bi Rain
Episode 23 & 24 : Cha Tae Hyun
Episode 25 & 26 : Lee Soo Kyung
Episode 27, 28 & 29 : Christmas Special - Jang Hyuk
Episode 30 & 31 : Song Chang Eui

Episode 32 & 33 : Daniel Henney
Episode 34 & 35 : Big Bang TOP
Episode 36 & 37 : SNSD Yoona
Episode 38 & 39 : Lee Beom-Soo
Episode 40 & 41 : Hwang Jung Min

Episode 42 & 43 : Kim Won Hee
Episode 44 & 45 : Cha Seung Won
Episode 46 & 47 : Son Dam Bi
Episode 48 & 49 : Lee Jun Ki
Episode 50 & 51 : Cha Sung-Hoon

Episode 52 & 53 : NO Guest: Farewell Ep To Ye Jin & Chun Hee
Episode 54 & 55 : New FO Mem: Park Hae Jin & Park Shi Yeon
Episode 56 & 57 : Kim Min Jun, Ji Sang Ryul
Episode 58 & 59 : Horror Special: Song Ji Hyo
Episode 60 & 61 : Choi Soo Jong

Episode 62 & 63 : Shin Hyun Jun
Episode 64 & 65 : Kim Hyun Joong, Big Bang Seungri
Episode 66 & 67 : Cha Tae Hyun, Jang Hyuk
Episode 68 & 69 : Ha Ji Won
Episode 70 & 71 : Lee Seung Chul

Episode 72 & 73 : 2NE1 Sandara Park, After School UEE
Episode 74 & 75 : Lee Kyung Shil
Episode 76 & 77 : JYP Park Jin Young, Seo In Young
Episode 78 : X-Files (Scenes from past eps)
Episode 79 & 80 : Kim Sung Soo, Jo Han Seon
Episode 81 & 82 : Girl Group Outing: SNSD Tiffany & Kara Nicole
Episode 83 & 84 : Return Of Park Ye Jin, Lee Chun Hee for last ep of FO S1
Episode 85 : Award Show

Family Outing Season 2 [English Sub]

Kim Won-hee, Yoon Sang-hyun, Ji Sang-ryeol, Shin Bong-sun, Yoona, Taecyeon, Jo Kwon, Kim Hee-chul, Jang Dong-min

Episode 1  Taecyon (Leader)
Episode 2

Episode 3  Shin Bong-sun (Leader)
Episode 5  Ji Sang-ryul & Jo Kwon (Leader)
Episode 7  No Guest
Episode 8 Best Friends Special (Noh Sa-yeon, Jang Dong-min, Kim Kwang-kyu, Tiffany, Kim Heechul, Junho, Gil)
Episode 10  Army Consolation Performance Special (Lee Sang-yong, Girls' Generation)
Episode 12  School Excursion Special (Wonder Girls)
Episode 14  Ga-in (Brown Eyed Girls), Nicole (Kara), Shin Hyun-jun
Episode 15  Raw

Episode 16  Last Episodes
Episode 17